Chromosome Analysis of ES cells and iPS cells

  • Multi color FISH analysis for human and mouse ES and iPS cells (analysis of abnormalities in chromosome number and chromosome structure)
  • Karyotype analysis of ES and iPS cells from Human, Rat, Mouse, Monkey, etc. with G-banding or Q-banding

Multi color FISH analysis (Human and Mouse only)

Karyotiping of human chromosomes by multicolor FISH probes

Karyotiping of mouse chromosomes by multicolor FISH probes

Trisomy 11 and translocation of chromosome 16 were observed.

Karyotype analysis by G-banding or Q-banding

Human iPS cells

Cynomolgus monkey ES cells

Chromosome analysis by Conventional Giemsa Staining

  1. Mouse ES cells: Chromosome number 42
  2. Mouse ES cells: Chromosome number 80 (Tetraploid)